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SRA Instruments SAS

Corporate presentation

SRA Instruments, company present in Italy and France, operates in the field of research, development, customization and commercialization of analytical solutions mainly based on gas chromatographic dedicated to the environmental, materials, energy and chemical, food-beverage and packaging, life science and forensic sectors.

SRA Instruments responds to the analytical demand of its customers, thanks to his ow R&D center, creating analytical solutions of quality and high-added value, applying the best available technologies to improve instrumental performance, laboratory productivity and process.

SRA Instruments Group has a total of about 80 employees, a structured organization with very high technical competence in the gas chromatographic and spectroscopic field. SRA is one of Agilent’s leading Premier Solution Partners on whose µGC, GC, GC-MS and FT-IR instrumentation are based its solutions.


Dr. Ronan Cozic, after a Master of Chemistry terminated in 2000, he started his PhD in Analytical Chemistry at University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. During his PhD at Service Central d’Analyse du CNRS / Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique – Direction des Applications Militaires, he worked at the development of a transportable gas analyser based on the preconcentration of VOC followed by a MicroGC coupled with a Mass Spectrometer and at the realization of a device for the controlled emission of VOC  in order to analyse online and onsite gases and VOC in Air. Since 2004 he is a member of  SRA Instruments and he is managing the R&D department with 6 people reporting to him.

Responsible for the testing laboratory he’s leading the development of sampling and analysis methods to meet the customer’s needs and Specialist in MicroGC, GC / MS, GCxGC, Thermal Desorption, Purge & Trap, Thermal Analysis (ATG / DSC). Since 2010 to 2014 he led the participation of SRA to INnovAL project accredited by the Axelera competitiveness cluster with the objective to develop new analytical tools for the control of industrial processes.


Dr. Ronan Cozic

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